Mine Engineering
DRPE is deeply rooted in the coal mining industry. The founders, principals, and key personnel at DRPE all have extensive experience in the mining industry prior to, and since joining DRPE. We have experience in all aspects of engineering associated with mining. We are experienced in both underground and surface mining methods. We also have experience in mining for minerals other than coal, such as quarrying operations for the aggregate industry. DRPE mining engineers can evaluate property boundaries, geologic mapping, and drilling data to determine our clients mining reserves. We can aid in mine method determination and mine planning. We have extensive experience in permitting coal and other mining operations. Additionally, we work with MSHA to develop plans such as roof control, ventilation, and safety training plans to operate the mine safely. We have certified safety instructors to aid our mining clients in any safety training required by the regulatory agencies. Our mining engineering services include:
The DRPE mining engineering team is also an integral part of the latest in mining technology. Highwall mining (HWM) is a hybrid mining method using a sophisticated machine to obtain coal from up to 1,200 ft. underground from the surface. DRPE engineers design the mine using computers. We determine the appropriate layout for the mine to safely and efficiently recover the coal seam. This information is then transferred directly to the HWM onboard computer. DRPE utilizes global positioning surveying (GPS) to set the base station for the HWM. The base station communicates with radio frequency to the two GPS units onboard the HWM to control the mining according the plan on the HWM computer. The coal is quickly mined using minimal manpower and without requiring the miners to work underground.
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